Signature platforms
Vizibit Signator-LITE
From now on, you can use the qualified electronic signature (QES) from A-Trust to sign legally binding documents directly in your preferred programs. The Signator-LITE add-in from our partner Vizibit enables you to sign documents in Microsoft Office 365 and Google Workspace via the A-Trust interface. By integrating A-Trust's QES, Signator-LITE offers an eIDAS-compliant solution that seamlessly connects the entire signature process.
Secure, simple, legally binding
Signator-LITE can be integrated into the following programs:
Your benefits from using Signator-LITE
Super quick start
Thanks to its simple installation and user-friendly operation, Signator-LITE enables a seamless start to efficient digital signature processes.
Signator-LITE supports signatures with the QES from A-Trust and is therefore on a par with handwritten signatures throughout Europe.
Legally binding
The eIDAS-compliant QES from A-Trust fulfills all EU legal requirements and thus ensures the recognition of digital signatures.
Save monetary and time resources by digitizing your signature processes.
How to use Signator-LITE
Get the add-in
Include the Signator-LITE from Microsoft Office 365 or Google Workspace store.
Select the document you wish to sign
Single or multi-person signing available.
Sign with A-Trust QES
Use A-Trust's Qualified Electronic Signature (QES) to sign your documents securely and legally compliant.
Would you prefer an all-in-one signature platform?
Discover SIGNATOR – the signature platform from our partner Vizibit. It consists of multiple solutions supporting your business process by fully implementing paperless office. SIGNATOR makes your document management more efficient, secure and completely digital.